Freestyle Libre 2 with alarms and my experience

There’re more and more blood glucose meter, cgm and fgm systems like the Freestyle Libre, Dexcom, Eversense or Enlite but there are also some solutions from startups or the diabetes community – it’s not unusual to lose track of all the gadgets. Although, I’m constantly testing and looking for new technologies, which is very hard to figure out what really fits to my needs and lifestyle. In addition, not everything is cheap or it’s hard to convince the health insurance to cover it. After you made your decision it’s not clear that the new diabetes system fits into your everyday life.
I just forgot my basal-bolus injection last night and the CGM-Curve looked like a huge mountain this morning. It took me a few units of insulin, a bicycle ride and I had to wait two hours for the insulin to get my blood sugar level into the ‘green’ zone again. Continue reading
The people with diabetes itself start to come up with innovative ideas to help each other. Nowadays almost everyone has access to affordable hardware and digital solutions. Continue reading
Ten days after I got my Eversense sensor I feel more comfortable. The wound is healed and the cut is really small (I guess about 4-5mm). At the beginning, I was very careful with the plaster and the transmitter. I thought that I might hurt myself, therefore I left the stripes and the plaster at my arm for about a week. To find the right place for the transmitter wasn’t easy, because the transmitter needs to be right on top of the sensor to get power. Continue reading
Five minutes, that’s the time it takes to turn me into a cyborg. From now on an 8mm long Eversense CGM sensor is placed in my right arm and continuously measures my glucose concentration. Humans and machine merge, as Ray Kurzweil predicted in his book “The Age of Spiritual Machines”. Often his predictions did not apply, but he was right when he said that people are start to implement technology into their bodies.
Documentation might improve your Diabetes management, but writing down your numbers can be exhausting. But what if Siri can do that for you? Currently I’m working on a tutorial that will explain how to do that in a simple way. Stay tuned…
We all can live with Diabetes,… that is true, but living with diabetes can be easier. On this Blog I want to share ideas, tutorials and hacks to improve your life with Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 cialis pris.